How To Decide What To Keep When You Downsize Your Home
The decluttering and downsizing process can improve your lifestyle and make it that much easier when it comes time to move. If you’re considering making the transition to a senior living community, an established downsizing plan can reduce stress and pave the way for a more comfortable shift to your new home.
When you begin to organize your home for a transition to a smaller space, there are many factors to consider, including what to keep, how to organize your belongings, and how to best pack them for the upcoming move.
Keep reading to learn all about how to downsize for the move to a senior living community, including ideas for how you can decide what to keep during the process.
Preparing To Downsize
The process of paring down your possessions always takes time. However, making some decisions beforehand will allow you to downsize and move more quickly and efficiently.
Early planning is key. Plan ahead in a systematic way. It’s a good idea to begin the downsizing and decluttering process at least three months in advance of your expected moving date. After you’ve had time to adjust to the idea of moving, it’ll be easier to do. The last-minute rush to decide on a move or go through your stuff just adds stress.
Decide where you’ll move. You can downsize in many different ways depending on the size, location and setup of your new home. Knowing where you’ll make your new home – or at least having an idea – will give you an idea of which possessions you’d like to move with you.
Create a timeline and set goals. What is your moving deadline? You may want to plan your move accordingly, deducting time for downsizing and packing, as well as time for giving away any of your possessions.
Tips To Make Downsizing Easier
Prepare a floor plan. You probably already know how your new space is laid out and how much space it has. With this information in mind, you can decide where you’ll place your furniture and decor, as well as which of your current possessions will fit in your new home.
Focus on one room at a time. Moving systematically through your house makes the downsizing process easier because it keeps your efforts more targeted and productive.
Start small. Before you start the downsizing process, make sure you have what you need from the kitchen and bathroom for the first few nights at your new place. After that, choose a room and begin by sorting small items from drawers, dressers, boxes and cabinets.
Create “Keep,” “Toss” and “Give Away” piles. For each room, speed up the process by setting up three categories that tell you where your possessions will end up. Give yourself enough time to process your feelings, but stay focused on the task at hand: downsizing.
Resist duplicates. You only need one of everything! For clothes and other items you might need more than one of, set a reasonable limit.
Problem areas should be prioritized. No matter how large the job is, try to complete one challenging task, such as clearing out the garage, attic or closet, as early as possible. This is a great time for family members and friends to help!
Give things away early. While decluttering and downsizing, keep an eye out for things you know friends or family might like to have. Giving away a prized possession to a loved one can be a great way to start a new tradition or get even closer to a friend or family member.
Label your moving boxes. Immediately after packing up the physical boxes, label them with the room and contents. Then you know exactly what’s in each box and can put them directly in the appropriate room.
How WhiteStone Is Founded on Fellowship and Inspired by You
Downsize today for a move to a senior living community like WhiteStone, Greensboro seniors’ first choice for an independent lifestyle. We offer a full continuum of care, including skilled nursing, rehabilitation, memory care and in-home care. Get in touch with us on our website to learn more about life at WhiteStone and ask about our new expansion project.